
Monday, December 14, 2015

I hope the children enjoyed the Y as much as I did! Even though we had our field trip, we will continue to do the lessons that go with the Y5210 program. Thank you for helping support your child with the activities. 
The high-frequency words this week are began, live, page, got.
Our Holiday Party will be Tuesday, Dec. 22 from 2-3. We do not do a gift exchange. We will have snacks and play some games. 
We will be finishing unit on Book Series this week and starting Thinking Like a Scientist for literacy. 
We will also have our celebration for our Bird Reports on Thursday, which they will share what they learned about their birds with their classmates. We will move on to Opinion/Persuasive writing on Friday. 
If you see decorated bags or wrapped up things in your child's backpack, please encourage them to take them out and put them under the tree or in a special place. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

We have a busy week ahead of us.
High frequency words this week are: four, head, above, kind
We are trying hard to finish our bird reports and typing them for a final piece of writing.
Friday is our field trip to the Neenah-Menasha YMCA. The cost of the bus is $1. Parents are welcome to join us at the Y from 1-2:30. If your child did not give you the sheet about the field trip, please contact me and I will send home a new one.
We also have members of the Lion's Club that will be visiting us on Wednesday afternoon and giving us a special gift.
Book orders are due Wednesday, Dec. 9. If you want the book(s) to be a surprise, please let me know and I will either hold it for you to pick up or I can wrap it up in a brown paper bag and send it home.
We will also be working on some "Top Secret" projects the next couple of weeks.